DMTN-066: Memory Needs of Pipeline tasks

  • Samantha Thrush

Latest Revision: 2017-12-11


This technote is not yet published.

Pipeline driver tasks such as singleFrameDriver, coaddDriver, and multiBandDriver have been tested to see what their memory usage is. This technote will detail how these memory tests were ran and what results were found.

1   Introduction

This tech note discusses the memory usage of the reprocessing code on example cases in order to give insight into the true memory needs of a typical reprocessing job. This is a summary of DM-11818, DM-12051, and DM-12198.

2   Dataset Information

The data used here is from the LSST GPFS storage that is located at /datasets/hsc/repo, which contains public HSC data. The singleFrameDriver trials discussed here only use HSC-G band data, while the coaddDriver trials used the HSC-R band data. Since the multiBandDrvier trials required the use of multiple bands in order to function, the HSC-G and HSC-R bands were used.

Due to our desire to keep run-times low while using one core for most of our trials, we used very small datasets. The table below details what visits and bands are used for each type of trial discussed in this technote.

Table 1 Visits and bands used for each code trial
Code Name Bands Visits HSC-G 11382 and 11690 HSC-R 11442, 11446, 11450, 11470, 11476, 11478 11506, 11508, 11532, 11534 HSC-G, HSC-R 9852, 9856, 9860, 9864, 9868, 9870, 9888, 9890, 9898, 9900, 9904, 9906, 9912, 11568, 11572, 11576, 11582, 11588, 11590, 11596, 11598, 11442, 11446, 11450, 11470, 11476, 11478, 11506, 11508, 11532, 11534

3   Hardware and Software

The LSST’S Verification Cluster system was used to process this data, along with SLURM for some of the trials. More details can be found in DMTR-31.

For these trials, the w_2017_30 version of LSST’s software stack was used.

4   Finding Memory Usages

Before delving into the respective codes and their data usage, it is important to discuss how the memory usages are found. In this section, I will be discussing how the “sacct” slurm calls are invoked as well as how I extracted the memory usage from the /usr/bin/time code calls below.

4.1   sacct Slurm Calls

Simply put, the “sacct” slurm call allows us to look at the resources used by a code after it was run with a slurm script of some kind. In my case, I used sacct in order to get the average memory usage of a job and reported that as the memory usage. An example of such a call would be as follows:

sacct -u thrush --format=JobID,JobName,AveRSS,Elapsed

Here, sacct looks for slurm jobs associated with my username, and then gives me the job IDs, the job name that I assigned it, the average memory used for the number of cores used, and the time it took for the job to run. Thus, since I’m using one core, I can say that the average memory reported is the memory used.

4.2   /usr/bin/time Linux Calls

The /usr/bin/time calls work slightly differently as these are generic Linux commands. These calls (shown below) simply look at the real-time memory usage of the command-line code call by looking into the /usr/bin/time files and reporting back the time the job to be completed, the user name, the system used, and the memory utilized.

/usr/bin/time -f "\n%E elapsed, \n%U user, \n%S system, \n%M memory\n" /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RF --id visit=11382 ccd=0..8^10..103

Once the job is completed, the data from /usr/bin/time is printed on the screen, where it can be recorded. This is done so as to record the memory usage of a job that is not using slurm to run, but instead is run on the command line.

5   Baseline Memory

5.1 Trial

Prior to running the tests below, the baseline memory usage was established by running a similar trial as those below by using The code accomplishes the same task as the codes shown in the singleFrameDriver section, however is much more transparent with its memory usage and seems to have reasonable memory usage. The code used in this case is that shown below:

/usr/bin/time -f "\n%E elapsed, \n%U user, \n%S system, \n%M memory\n" /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RF --id visit=11382 ccd=0..8^10..103

After running the code snippet above 5 times and averaging those results together, the average memory usage reported by /usr/bin/time was found to be 2,288,000 K.

5.2   Different Number of Visits and CCDs

Before testing the methods discussed below, it is important to see first how memory depends on the number of visits and ccds that will be used. In order to ascertain this scaling, three different trials were run for the batch-type method, the /usr/bin/time method and the homemade slurm script method: one visit and one ccd, one visit with two ccds, and two visits with one ccd.

5.2.1   Batch-Type trials

The batch-type method was run with the three code snippets shown below. /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --batch-type slurm --mpiexec='-bind-to socket' --job Memtest --id visit=11382 ccd=0 --cores 1 --time 400 /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --batch-type slurm --mpiexec='-bind-to socket' --job Memtest --id visit=11382 ccd=0^1 --cores 1 --time 400 /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --batch-type slurm --mpiexec='-bind-to socket' --job Memtest --id visit=11382^11690 ccd=0 --cores 1 --time 400

Surprisingly, all three trials gave the same memory usage: 2592K, which seems to vastly underestimate the actual memory usage. As you can see, these results imply that the memory usage in this case is not dependent at all with the number of ccds or visits.

5.2.2   /usr/bin/time Trials

For these runs, the following codes were used:

/usr/bin/time -f "\n%E elapsed, \n%U user, \n%S system, \n%M memory\n" /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --id visit=11382 ccd=0 --cores 1
/usr/bin/time -f "\n%E elapsed, \n%U user, \n%S system, \n%M memory\n" /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --id visit=11382 ccd=0^1 --cores 1
/usr/bin/time -f "\n%E elapsed, \n%U user, \n%S system, \n%M memory\n" /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --id visit=11382^11690 ccd=0 --cores 1

The first run gave a memory usage of 1,238,300K which seems high when compared to the /usr/bin/time trials shown below. Similarly, the second run gave a memory usage of 1,373,300K, and the third run had a memory usage of 1,374,100K. In this case, the memory usage does not have a linear relation with the ccds or visits, but (as expected) it is dependent upon the number of ccd’s and the number of visits in some way.

5.2.3   Homemade slurm script trials

Finally, the following base codes was run:

#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH -p debug
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -t 03:00:00
#SBATCH -J test

srun /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RD --id ccd=0 visit=11382 --cores 1

When the code was ran as-is, sacct AveRSS reported 398,400K in memory usage. When ccd=0^1 visit=11382, the memory usage jumped to 419,300K, as was also the case for the ccd=0 visit=11382^11690 run.

Like the /usr/bin/time trials above, the memory usage does not scale linearly as there seems to be a base memory usage that is needed. However, an increase in either visits or ccds produces roughly the same increase in memory usage. Additionally, as stated in previous sections, although this underestimates memory usage when compared to /usr/bin/time trials, this seems to be a a great way to cross check from the memory reporting done by jobs who employ the –slurm method of invoking slurm.

6   singleFrameDriver Trials

In order to find the memory usage of a job, and how it scales with the number of visits and the number of cores, four main trials were run:

  • was submitted to slurm by the –batch-type slurm method and the memory was found via sacct /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RF --batch-type slurm --mpiexec='-bind-to socket' --job Memtest --id visit=11382 ccd=0..8^10..103 --cores 1
  • the memory usage was found by running without slurm and extracting the memory information with /usr/bin/time
/usr/bin/time -f "\n%E elapsed, \n%U user, \n%S system, \n%M memory\n" /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RF --id visit=11382 ccd=0..8^10..103 --cores 1
  • a salloc session was obtained on slurm and a normal trial was run without the –batch-type slurm option discussed in the first point
# asking for the allocation on slurm:
salloc -t 03:00:00 -N 1 -n 1

# once the allocation is given, run the python executable in the background
# so that you can invoke top: /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RF --id ccd=0..8^10..103 visit=11382 --cores 1 &

# call top -b to take system information periodically so that memory usage
# can be tracked
top -b > top.txt
  • will be run with a hand-made slurm script.
#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH -p debug
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -t 03:00:00
#SBATCH -J test

srun /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RF --id ccd=0..8^10..103 visit=11382 --cores 1

6.1   Results

The average memory for the –slurm method was found to be 306,500 K. As you can see, this is much lower than the baseline memory shown in section 5.1 above.

The /usr/bin/time method, which is most like the baseline trial from section 5.1, has an average memory usage of 3,155,000 K (averaged over 5 trials).

The homemade slurm script had memory usage at 398,000 K (averaged over 5 trials) as reported by sacct for AveRSS after the trials were run. This is slightly higher than expected from a code that is so similar to the Batch trial described above.

Finally, the salloc method gave an average memory usage of 310,500 K, which was found by looking into the top.txt file created by the salloc call above. This is not so shocking as salloc simply acts as an interactive slurm session, so although this call looks quite different from the batch-type results, they are essentially the same.

7   coaddDriver Trials

In order to investigate the memory usage of coaddDriver, I used three main methods:

  • tracking memory usage with /usr/bin/time.
/usr/bin/time -f "\n%E elapsed, \n%U user, \n%S system, \n%M memory\n" /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RD:private/thrush/RE --cores 1 --id tract=8766^8767 filter=HSC-R --selectId ccd=0..8^10..103 visit=11442^11446^11450^11470^11476^11478^11506^11508^11532^11534
  • tracking the memory usage of a –slurm job with sacct after the job has run.  /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RD:private/thrush/RF --batch-type=slurm --mpiexec='-bind-to socket' --job coaddWR --time 600 --cores 1 --id tract=8766^8767 filter=HSC-R --selectId ccd=0..8^10..103 visit=11442^11446^11450^11470^11476^11478^11506^11508^11532^11534
  • tracking the memory usage of a hand-made slurm script with sacct after the job has run
#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH -p debug
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -t 00:30:00
#SBATCH -J coaddWRtest

srun /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RD:private/thrush/RG --id tract=8766^8767 filter=HSC-R --selectId ccd=0..8^10..103 visit=11442^11446^11450^11470^11476^11478^11506^11508^11532^11534 --cores 1

It should be noted that in order to set up the necessary files to run, I ran the following script, where I only used a small subset of visits in the R band in order to cut down on time.



export wideVisitsR=11442^11446^11450^11470^11476^11478^11506^11508^11532^11534 /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --batch-type slurm --mpiexec='-bind-to socket' --job WideR --id visit=$wideVisitsR ccd=0..8^10..103 --cores 112 --time 900 /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --numCoresForRead=12 --id tract=8766 ccd=0..8^10..103 visit=$wideVisitsR --diagnostics --diagDir=/scratch/thrush/anyPath/RC/mosaic_diag/R /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --numCoresForRead=12 --id tract=8767 ccd=0..8^10..103 visit=$wideVisitsR --diagnostics --diagDir=/scratch/thrush/anyPath/RC/mosaic_diag/R

7.1   Results

After running the /usr/bin/time trial, the memory usage was found to be approximately 912400 K. However, the –slurm trial only reported a memory usage of 2592K, while the hand-made slurm script reported a memory usage of 371100 K. All of these computations took approximately 20 minutes to complete, on average.

These results mirror those of the singleFrameDriver trials above in that the largest memory usage belongs to the /usr/bin/time run, while the smallest memory usage belongs to the –slurm job. As stated in the singleFrameDriver section above, I believe that /usr/bin/time is more accurate in reporting its memory usage simply because it accounts for SWAP memory usage as well as normal memory usage, thus giving a more holistic view of the situation.

8   multiBandDriver Trials

In order to set up the correct dataset that will be used for the multiBandDriver trials, the following code was run:



export wideVisitsG=9852^9856^9860^9864^9868^9870^9888^9890^9898^9900^9904^9906^9912^11568^11572^11576^11582^11588^11590^11596^11598
export wideVisitsR=11442^11446^11450^11470^11476^11478^11506^11508^11532^11534 /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --batch-type slurm --mpiexec='-bind-to socket' --job WideG --id visit=$wideVisitsG ccd=0..8^10..103 --cores 112 --time 900 /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --batch-type slurm --mpiexec='-bind-to socket' --job WideR --id visit=$wideVisitsR ccd=0..8^10..103 --cores 112 --time 900 /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --numCoresForRead=12 --id tract=8766 ccd=0..8^10..103 visit=$wideVisitsG --diagnostics --diagDir=/scratch/thrush/anyPath/RC/mosaic_diag/G /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --numCoresForRead=12 --id tract=8766 ccd=0..8^10..103 visit=$wideVisitsR --diagnostics --diagDir=/scratch/thrush/anyPath/RC/mosaic_diag/R  /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --batch-type=slurm --mpiexec='-bind-to socket' --job coaddWG --time 200 --nodes 1 --procs 12  --id tract=8766 filter=HSC-G --selectId ccd=0..8^10..103 visit=$wideVisitsG  /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR --batch-type=slurm --mpiexec='-bind-to socket' --job coaddWR --time 200 --nodes 1 --procs 12 --id tract=8766 filter=HSC-R --selectId ccd=0..8^10..103 visit=$wideVisitsR

There are three main methods that I used in order to find the memory usage of one multiBandDriver job, where the G and R bands are combined for “wide” visits. In order to reduce runtime of the code, only 1 patch of the sky is used so as to reduce the computation time down to an hour. The three methods include:

  • using the –slurm method /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun $DIR:/scratch/thrush/anyPath/RG --batch-type=slurm --mpiexec='-bind-to socket' --job mtWide --cores 1 --time 8000 --id tract=8766 patch=1,1 filter=HSC-G^HSC-R
  • creating a handmade slurm script
#!/bin/bash -l

#SBATCH -p debug
#SBATCH -n 1
#SBATCH -t 96:00:00
#SBATCH -J mtWide_test

srun /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RD:private/thrush/RH --cores 1 --id tract=8766 patch=1,1 filter=HSC-G^HSC-R
  • running the multiBandDriver code with the /usr/bin/time method
/usr/bin/time -f "\n%E elapsed, \n%U user, \n%S system, \n%M memory\n" /datasets/hsc/repo --rerun private/thrush/RD:/scratch/thrush/anyPath/RH --job mtWide_bin --cores 1 --id tract=8766 patch=1,1 filter=HSC-G^HSC-R

8.1   Results

The –slurm method used 2600 K of memory in order to work. However, the handmade slurm script used 365,512 K of memory in order to work. Both of these seem strangely low, but they did finish successfully. On the other hand, the /usr/bin/time trial used 1,727,120K of memory. These results echo those given above for the singleFrameDriver and coaddDriver codes.

9   Conclusion

After searching through the literature, it would seem that while the /usr/bin/time trials account for SWAP when it reports its memory usage, slurm does not. Because of this, it is reasonable to say that the /usr/bin/time should be larger. However, there could be some memory saving tricks employed by slurm that I am not accounting for which would make their memory reporting just as trustworty.